All packed up and ready to go!

The Big Blue Truck has never looked so good! She's bursting at the seams with goodies for our summer of adventure. We thought our family and friends may like a tour of where we will be living for the next two months. At least the cool parts-- There are lots. And we added a sweet map of the places we plan on stopping. We hope to share all of the fun details of our trip with you right here along the way! YAY! (Someone's a little excited.)

 Detail #1: Ashley has been practicing backing this giant blue truck out of a long driveway without crashing. So far, so good! Hooray for backup cameras. Don't want to jinx it though. Should I take this part out? 

Detail #2: You are about to be EXTREMELY impressed with Matthew's carpentry/sewing skills, creativity, and just his brain in general. He's pretty cool. We like him. Also, he's dying to tell you every single detail of how he built this bad boy, so prepare yourself...Coming Soon!

Okay, okay the moment you've all CLEARLY been waiting for...

VIP Big Blue Truck Tour- Just For You! (& our 9 other followers)
                   Here she is in all her beauty... BEFORE   &      AFTER! So much room for activities!

Drawers are Full. Capital F.


Drawer Zoom in...                                                                                    Snacks on snacks on... you get it.

And so comfy too! Thanks to Mama Sue's quilt. And a super cool mattress that also folds into a couch. 


Who has two thumbs and built this entire thing? This guy!! Huge shout out to Mr. Matt and all of the work he put into this to make it a reality. Yes, he did learn how to sew.

Plans Change, But... Here's what we're thinkin':

July 5th- 9th- Travel to Banff 

July 9th-16th- Banff

July 16th-25th- Glacier

July 25th-28th Boise, Idaho (Air BnB)

July 28th- 30th- Stanley, Idaho/Sawtooth Range- Birthday Weekend Fun

Aug 1st- 10th- Yellowstone/Grand Teton 

Aug 11th-15th Utah Parks/Salt Lake City

15th-20th- Travel Home

Visitors are always welcome! No second bedroom, but we do have a tent. Only the best for our guests 🙂

Click the link above to see the map a bit larger.

Any must-see places that you've visited before in these areas that we need to check out? PLEASE tell us :) Or just say hey, we like that too.

DM us @stuckinabigbluetruck


  1. This is so phenomenal and I am thrilled you have invited us to experience this with you both. I know a lot of the organizing is what you have done Ashley so don't give M all the cred, although I am impressed with the v. simple hydraulic system. Where's the cooler for the beers? = )

    Hoping to catch you all at some point later in the trip to celebrate the big 3-0 and your road trip together. Love the catchy title too. So creative. xoxo wishing you a safe and fun adventure.

  2. DUDE!!! this is so freaking awesome, so pumped for you guys ♥️♥️

  3. Thanks for creating this great blogspot so we can follow the blue truck! We have a celebratory bottle of bubbly to start your trip if you make it down this way before officially leaving! Happy Trails to you - may the traffic be light and the weather just right! Count your lucky stars at night and keep your food wrapped up tight!! xoxox

  4. Have a blast! If you hit Beaver Creek Colorado I have a great friend there that can take you on the river or hook you up with some great adventures! He would let you shower and sleep in a house too!

  5. This is fantastic!! Miss seeing you but glad to read what you are up to. Have a great time!!! Stay safe

  6. What a great adventure! Have a wonderful safe trip. So many wonderful memories will be made. 💖

  7. I have been to many of these destinations . I think this trip is awesome and full of memories! Have fun and relax! I want to hear all about it. Love you...Auntie Norma

  8. This is SO COOL! Your truck build is amazing! I can't wait to see your adventures. Have an awesome time!


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